
    Citizen Charter

    Sl. No. Department Services Time frame from the date of patient/cases reporting
    Medical Management
    Assessment including prescription and referral Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier. Applicable to the medically fit patients only
    Evaluation and Home Exercise Programme Treatment Evaluation and further reformative management Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier
    Evaluation and advice Home Exercise Programme Treatment Evaluation, Treatment and further reformative management Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier
    4 PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS Evaluation, Fabrication and Fitting of Orthosis and Prosthesis
    Distribution of Aids and Appliances
    1-2 weeks from the date of referral to P&O from concerned Department. Within 24 Hrs. provided all appliances in stock
    5 SPEECH AND HEARING Evaluation and management of speech and hearing disorders
    Distribution of Hearing Aids
    Within OPD Hrs. OR within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier. Within next 2 days
    6 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Assessment, Counseling Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier
    7 SPECIAL EDUCATION Assessment, Evaluation, Educational Guidance, Educational Training, Training program global development. Home bases training program, IEP Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier
    8 SOCIAL WORK Social services to the Persons with Disability, Evaluation, Counseling
    Vocational Training
    Within OPD Hrs. OR Within 24 Hrs. whichever is earlier. Will be provided after completion of pre-assessment procedure within 2-3 weeks on registration of the PwDs.
    9 Community Based Rehabilitation Grass root worker, Aangan wadi Worker, Teachers, Para teachers, Para medicals, Panchayat Representative, General Public etc. 1-3 days
    10 Parents Training Programs Parents of CWSN 1-2 days
    11 Seminar / Conference Professionals, students, Parents, GOs/NGOs/DPOs representatives 1-2 days
    12 Assessment/Identification of PwDs. Persons with Disabilities 1-2 days
    13 Distribution of aids/Appliances Persons with Disabilities Will be provided after completion of assessment procedure within 6-7 weeks on registration of the PwDs.